The education system in the United States is quite complex, as it involves writing scientific papers, for which there are not always instructions. However, teachers are very demanding and want students to complete assignments according to academic guidelines and demonstrate their writing skills. But no one explains how to do this – this is a problem for all students. In every school, college, university, you cannot do without written assignments because this is the only way a student can show creative thinking. During your studies, you will come across different academic papers. However, the most exciting type of article is a thematic essay. The experts have collected the best tips here, wrote a few examples, and made topics to save you forever from the agony of choice. Let’s get started and get an A + together!
There are many types of essays in US education, and therefore, depending on the case, you should figure out which one to write. Today we would like to pay special attention to the thematic essay. Therefore, before we get down to the writing algorithm, let’s answer the question: “What is the thematic essay, and why is it written?” Please, remember the values of this type of essay so that you will not be mistaken in the choice of paper in the future.
A thematic essay is a document in which the author focuses on a specific topic or problem. It would help if you wrote about the literary work topic or problem based on your article’s essay title. In doing so, you must fill your essay with various artistic devices, such as epithets, metaphors, hyperbole, comparisons, personalities, and other literary devices.
Your task is to reveal the essence of a literary work’s topic and describe the idea for which the author created the work. In such an essay, it is essential to add evidence, facts, examples, and authoritative statements to successfully reveal the topic and make your opinion on the topic convincing. The evidence makes your article appear credible, and you can draw logical conclusions that will make the reader think. Beware of unreliable sources of information and doubtful facts. Otherwise, you will confuse the reader, and people will not take your article seriously.
In such essays, students often describe social problems that have passed through different centuries and are illustrated in the books of writers. Therefore, choosing a suitable topic arises because choosing a topic with no evidence will hardly become interesting. Also, by choosing a topic with direct facts and evidence, the reader may misunderstand it and interpret a different meaning. We advise you to select a relevant topic that arouses the interest of a specific audience.
To highlight a topical essay’s highlights, consider other types of very similar essays to the topical. For example, a compare and contrast paper is considered very similar to a thematic essay, in which attention is focused on specific two topics. An essay like this is challenging to write, but you can practice your writing skills well.
Now that you have familiarized yourself with the meaning of a thematic essay in detail, we can proceed to the next step, which will tell you the secrets of writing. The next step that will get you closer to success is choosing your writing method and style. A thematic essay should contain several essential elements: a strong introduction, 2-3 paragraphs of the central part that best cover the topic, and a logical conclusion. We should note right away that these three building blocks are suitable for almost any type of academic essay. Therefore, no matter what essay you write, remember the three elements, and you will create the correct structures. Even if you barely cover the topic, the teacher will add a score for the correct sequence of paragraphs.
To write an article effectively, you need to carefully choose your words and find details that arouse the reader’s interest. It would also help if you learned how to organize your thoughts about your research’s main topic. Using this method, you will be able to answer all questions and choose the right arguments.
One of the best ways to organize your thoughts is to make a plan. This skill is necessary for everyone, in particular, students. Throughout their studies, students very often draw up a paragraph outline. If you want to write a good essay, speech, or novel, you need to make a plan first. Without this critical stage, the final text will be chaotic, not thought out, and the main idea will be “going in a circle.”
Before you start drawing up a plan for an essay, you need to understand the whole work sequence. First of all, you need to think over and decide on the main idea. Next, you need to pick up the material: statements, quotes, decide on theses. You can start drawing up a work plan after knowing what you want to say in the text. Next, you need to think about the introduction and conclusion. Planning the main body of the text is essential.
All the text must be united by one thought, and the selected fragments are logically connected. The result should be a text, in the structure of which you can highlight the introduction, the central part, and the conclusion. As a rule, the points are not separate words but whole phrases and detailed phrases. It is challenging to convey the central theme or idea in different words, and they are very specific and narrow. Use the phrase itself as points because they carry information in an abbreviated, folded form while representing a semantic unity. In work itself, this opinion is necessary to expand. However, it is possible to formulate points in the form of questions you will give in the text.
Writing an introduction to an essay is more difficult than writing the work itself since the first lines are the hardest. Sometimes it is more expedient to leave the introduction at the very end and formulate this part after the work is completed. For successful admission, you will need:
The reader’s psychology is arranged so that he first pays attention to the text’s first lines. An effective and clear introduction not only makes the essay more attractive but can even hide some of the shortcomings of the main body. An essay can start with a famous phrase from a writer or historical figure. If you plan to write a creative task based on a particular literary work, you can supplement the introduction with a quote from the author. You can use quotes from the great masters of the artistic word, of course, without forgetting about the parentheses. Otherwise, the quotes will turn into plagiarism. But references to the statements of great authors should harmoniously complement the written work.
To create a conclusion means to combine all the elements of the reasoning into one whole, to extract the last most important thread-thought that permeates all complex weaving and makes it an integral and harmonious unity. This is the moment of truth: if everything that was knitted in the text at the end is easily combined into integrity by the last thread-conclusion and does not creep, then the text is perfect. So, the thesis, arguments, and examples create a logical, consistently organized whole that sticks together and vibrates quickly under the last thread’s slightest movement – conclusions.
According to general logic, the conclusion should show that the author managed to state his view on the problem raised in the essay and prove his position on this problem as quite viable and correct. In conclusion, the author should reflect the general logic of his reasoning in his statement and identify the main idea that he was proving in the text as a whole. Also, the conclusion should be:
Since you are familiar with the structure and concept of a topic essay, we can share with you a few tips:
You can apply our advice to absolutely any type of essay. The structure is quite simple and similar to all articles. So as soon as you have been asked to write the essay, use our cheat sheet.
To ease the writing process, the experts have compiled several thematic essay examples. It would help if you saw examples of experts to write your essay. We have compiled useful tips and instructions, but you will not achieve success without knowing how the essay looks like a high-quality one. We recommend that you spend ten minutes analyzing the examples to find your writing style:
“Mein Kampf” and Hitler’s Life Story
“Ninety-five years ago, on July 18, 1925, the first volume of Adolf Hitler’s infamous opus Mein Kampf was published. It is not the book that is remarkable, but its fate. The indigestible jumble of autobiography, the National Socialist doctrine presentation, and primitively formulated claims to world domination have become the terrible dictatorship program, the Third Reich ideology. I believe that this book is a lesson for every person because Hitler was able to show how persistence can help in life and kill at the same time.
Hitler wrote the first volume, or rather dictated it to his comrade-in-arms and cellmate Rudolf Hess, in prison, where he ended up after the so-called “beer coup” on November 9, 1923, in Munich. At first, the book was supposed to have a long title: “Four and a half years of struggle against lies, stupidity, and cowardice,” but the publisher, also a big fan of the “Fuhrer,” came up with a shorter one: “Mein Kampf.” At first, the book sold sluggishly, but the more popular the National Socialists became in Germany, the more often they bought it.
Mein Kampf made Hitler a millionaire. During the days of National Socialism, libraries and universities were required to acquire his book. It was handed over to young people in the registry office, as they used to hand over the Bible. Party functionaries had to have the book in a prominent place at home. Otherwise, it would be regarded as disloyalty with all the ensuing consequences. From each sold copy, “Fuehrer” dripped circulation – 10 percent. At the same time, he exempted himself from paying taxes by special decree, and by 1943 his income from the sale of Mein Kampf amounted to 5.5 million Reichsmarks.”
What are the features of a Belief System?
“What do I mean by the phrase “belief system”? For me, it’s a firm belief in the integrity of one point of view or another. To be convinced, I think you need to have solid, irrefutable evidence. And it is better if it is a whole system of knowledge, which is linked by a solid chain with other firmly substantiated facts. Then the person becomes confident that he is right.
I know for myself that when I am firmly convinced of something, I cannot remain silent. I want to share this knowledge. Therefore, I am sure that beliefs make any person stronger, even the most humble. They force him to be active and openly share his own opinion.”
As we have already noted, it is essential to choose a topic for the essay. A topic that does not make you enthusiastic is doomed to failure. Be very demanding about yourself and the topic. Pick a topic that is interesting to read, explore, and easy to write. Our ideas will help you with this.
To write a thematic essay, you need to choose one specific topic or problem and describe its meaning. The essay contains simple elements: introduction, thesis, thematic proposal, arguments, proofs, examples, conclusion.
To write a successful thesis statement, you must first determine if there is evidence from authoritative sources in favor of your words. If there are such books, choose any message and prove it.
Very often, students write a thematic essay for Global History. That is, they describe historical figures, events, countries and express opinions on the topic.
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