First of all, let’s figure out what the tragic hero definition is and what influence this character can have on the course of the narrative. In fact, this type of hero often plays the role of the main protagonist of the story of the tragic genre.
Literature is not the only habitat for tragic heroes. These characters can appear in the cinema or even on television. The key features of the tragic hero are a complex and confusing fate, which is characterized by constant ups and downs. All these aspects make readers or viewers empathize and follow the course of events excitedly.
Perhaps one of the first associations that causes the concept of a tragic hero is the legendary work of Shakespeare, which is called “Romeo and Juliet”. It’s really hard to find a person, who wasn’t impressed by this tragic love story that led to death.
However, the story of the emergence and formation of a tragic hero is long and confusing. Before making an excursion into the past, let’s get acquainted with a pinch of entertaining facts that are associated with this character
The key feature that defines and reveals the type of hero is a tragedy. It allows you to explore and analyze all the necessary aspects. Nevertheless, each genre has its own unique specificity, which over time intensively changes and transforms.
The story of a tragic hero is no exception and has a long evolutionary path. Below we have identified and briefly described the main periods.
Earlier, we mentioned the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle, who revealed the essence of the phenomenon of a tragic hero. In his opinion, the key elements of the spectrum of feelings that can affect the audience most are the following:
The philosopher believed that the true experience of catharsis can be achieved precisely thanks to these sensations. In addition to the features in the list, there are also
In addition to the aforementioned art historians and artists of the Ancient times defined luck as one of the fundamental aspects of any tragic or other work.
Over time, the concept and features of this character went through a series of changes and additions. In fact, in the modern world, the phenomenon of a tragic hero is presented in a somewhat simplified version.
There is a huge variety of tragic characters, each of which has its own unique features and is remembered for certain aspects. The discovery of a critical character is possible in almost any art genre; nevertheless, we have prepared a small list of the most famous tragic heroes with whom you are probably familiar.
Let’s start with the fact that it is obvious that not one tragedy cannot exist without such characters because its essence lies precisely in the presence of tragic heroes and their history. The endless ups and downs, as well as the abundance of life’s problems, cause such feelings as empathy and other emotions in the audience. From time to time, they are also able to play the role of a teacher and show what actions they can lead to and also cause fear or other similar feelings.
Despite the negative character, from time to time a tragic hero can have a much deeper and more complex story than other ones of a work of art to which he refers.
Above, we emphasized and described the main features of such a concept as a tragic hero definition. We connected this information with certain and all our favorite examples from religious works.
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