The description is placed on the back cover for easy access – and for attracting your attention, for making you crave the book, cling to it and carry it right to the cash-out point.
If you research how to write a book description, it is easier to define what the description is not.
The description is not a review (subjective opinion), not a synopsis (full retelling), and not a summary or analysis. Nope.
The description is a concise, carefully written ad that contains introductory information about the book, its protagonists, and a hook that promises the thrill from reading but does not reveal much. Yep, that’s it. The description is an advertising piece that intrigues the reader, provides enough general information to attract the category fans, and teases them into reading. That’s what a good description does.
It sounds like a good movie teaser, and that’s what it actually is (or should be).
With this in mind, you may even understand why you picked a book due to its description and did not like reading it. The description was written better than the book itself (like many movie teasers are, he-he). However, in this world, there is a book for everyone, so let’s help each book meet its reader.
Follow these five simple rules on how to write a book description and produce finger-licking descriptions that seduce the readers.
‘Mary is a journalist who has just discovered the horrible things about a local politician that also connects to her family’s past. Will she be able to deal with it?’ Take it as a rough sample and build your own description.
Well, the story will be chilling and gripping, fast-pacing and nail-biting with rich historical details, a pinch of satire, and a delicate note of sensuality. Now you are more willing to learn what Mary is up to, aren’t you? These are powerful words that wake people’s interest. Google these words and have them ready, just do not throw them all into your description (like we did it here).
No-Nonsense Books: Tips On How To Write A Book Description For Non-Fiction Texts
The above tips apply to all descriptions without exception, but there are some nuances you may want to consider.
When you read abouthow to write a book description, it all seems easy and clear. But as with the book and its description, what is promised is not always what you get.
Pick the book you know well. Write a description. Look at the back cover and compare the official one with the one you created. Write another description. Let it sit. Re-read it. Cringe. Write the third one. Show all descriptions to people you trust. Ask their opinion. What works and what does not. What thrills and what sounds ridiculous or banal. Take the description people liked most and try to achieve the same result with another book. And another. And one more.
Practice makes the master. But you will know it only if you take the journey of writing all those descriptions, without skipping pages and jumping right to the end. It would make a good book description, eh?
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