In short, there are several ways to write about your findings and discussions. If you create a shorter academic paper, it would be reasonable to put these two aspects into one unified section. Otherwise, the information would look confusing. If you commit yourself to write a longer piece, you need to separate findings and discussions into different s ections or text parts. In most cases, we use a particular model, which consists of a Description, Analysis, and Synthesis. These are basic key elements that readers want to see when getting acquainted with your paper.
Before you share your findings with the reader, you need to explore the issue and research it deeply. Make sure you have managed the research and finished the analysis. Now you need to know exactly what to write about next. If you don’t feel like you have enough knowledge about the subject, it is better to move back and look through the materials.
To present the findings, you need to make use of a special software program. There are many kinds of programs that you may use to organize the findings. Thus, before the actual writing, you need to carry out these basic steps: analyzing the data and organizing it. This is a mandatory step. If you overlook it, you risk presenting the reader with a complete mess of redundant information. If you want your findings to be well done, you need to take a responsible approach. If you feel insecure about the findings, you can ask for help. Turn to your instructor or any other person who possesses adequate knowledge. But do it before you write the findings down on the paper.
Students often worry about the amount of data that needs to share with the reader in this section. In the process of research paper writing, the student comes up with so many facts. But if you introduce everything in your dissertation, you can overwhelm the reader. If you include all the data, the reader will be confused by the material. Thus, your task is to be picky about the data you put in your paper. You need to decide what information is worth mentioning and what is better to omit. Make your choice depending on the relevance and importance of the information.
To make it easier, you should craft an outline. Here you need to consider two key elements that will help you create well-developed findings. First and foremost, consider the questions of the readers and find answers to them. Second of all, pay special attention to interesting findings. The reader will like fresh information. The outline is a perfect way to structure the material. Nevertheless, choosing the right findings and leaving out unnecessary data is complicated, an outline will help you a lot. If you are diligent with it, you will succeed.
When you write a dissertation, you need to pay attention to the Findings part. This section will take up to 40% of the total word count. As you can see, this is a large part of the paper, and it needs a good organization. To let the reader, comprehend the material, you need to apply the logical approach and from the information coherently.
To manage it try to make use of 4 essential elements:
Don’t ask the reader to wait and introduce the information straight away. If you delay information revealing, you will upset the reader. Your task is to provide the idea behind the text and carry the message to the reader. A good introduction is mainly focused at the beginning of your research passer work and the outcomes. This would be your introduction that usually consists of a few paragraphs. Don’t forget to structure the chapter and point out where the reader might find all the necessary information.
When you are done with an outline, you need to consider further writing. What is the best way to make the reading logical and interesting? How to present the data most beneficially so that the reader comprehends everything? In short, it depends on the paper you deal with. But the first thing you need to remember is creating the subtitles. When you implement subheadings into your writing project, the reader comprehends then material better. Moreover, the chapter are well organized and can guide the reader through the text. When sharing any type of data, make sure to be clear and methodological. If you have any doubts, you need to ask for the professional help from your supervisor.
Interviews and observations are long pieces of information. They must be followed by appropriate transcripts that constitute pages of diligent work. It is always a real challenge to single out the most important things and place them in the best order. Furthermore, qualitative data means using various tables and infographics.
First, you need to write down the subheadings to each chapter and define proper examples. It will help you carry the message coherently. Then you have to think of the data itself. When deciding on the information for the selected chapter, you have to focus on the subheadings, examples, and own thoughts. You can’t restrict your paper to other people’s quotations. You need to mix your reflections with what other people once said. Try to omit using excess data. Consider some basic facts and then add to them some extra information. This way, you will manage to present their material in the best possible way.
Dealing with this type of data can be a real challenge. If you work with quantitative data, you can easily confuse the reader with the numbers and figures. The reading can become dull and difficult. Here you need to follow the same pattern as you used in the previous point. Make sure the information is well-organized. You need to mix different data types to make the reading interesting and informative. To make the statistical data presentation more efficient, you have to explain the numbers, figures, and graphics. Thus, you need to analyze the information and find ways to convey the message in the best way.
To write a persuasive discussion section, you need to consider the previous findings part. The structure of the writing will mostly depend on the initial data. You can structure the information according to themes or questions. But keep it in mind that these techniques should follow the same pattern in the Findings and Discussion parts. To find out the best ways of working with discussion, you need to keep in mind its purpose. First and foremost, your task is to find answers to the questions posed in the research. Second of all, you need to show your position. Once you cope with these two steps, your text will become more valuable and informative writing.
To come up with a good discussion introduction, you need to start with a thesis. Remember that the reader has already got familiar with the findings and is waiting for your interpretation. Thus, it is better to define each subsection of your discussion part and place it at the end of your introductory part.
If you don’t consider critical thinking as an important element to your dissertation writing, you will probably get lower marks. For this reason, the analysis part is essential for the paper. Students always encounter different articles on critical thinking. But do all of them know what it means? Do all of them know why it is so important for academic paper writing? Probably, no. Students can’t easily comprehend what the difference between a regular description and critical thinking is.
Critical thinking is your ability to analyze the phenomenon and provide your vision of the problem by giving sound and reasonable arguments.
On the other hand, when describing something, you need to use the ideas performed deviously by other people. Describing phenomenon is an important skill for a student. But critical thinking is more valuable. It lets the reader understand your vision of the problem and follow your train of thought.
In general, you can easily decide how to organize the information in the paper. You can follow the same pattern that you used in the Findings section. Resort to the same structure in the Discussion chapter if you feel it would benefit the whole paper. But if you think it would be unnecessary, stay away from this method and stick to your preferences. One way or another, you need to structure the text in these parts coherently. It will help the reader to get the information better. For this reason, you need to introduce sub-sections to your text.
Make sure your sub-sections fit the format and are short enough to render the main idea of the chapter. But try not to make them too long, either. Define keywords for every heading and create a solid statement. When you create the sub-headings, consider the table of contents. Think about how they will look together. They need to be almost a one-size length. If you use questions, they may look redundant. On the other hand, if you make use of a one- or two-word phrases, the reader can’t understand what is going to be discussed in the section. It isn’t easy to find a balance, but it is crucial for your paper. Don’t focus on them too much when writing the paper. You can also go back and edit them.
We hope you have grasped the main idea behind our guide and soaked basic insights to prepare your dissertation paper correctly. But there are some essential things that you need to keep in mind.
First, make sure you clearly perform the data in the Findings section. It has to relate to your research questions or topics of the study. Try to focus main attention to personal contribution to the project and not what others succeeded to achieve.
Second, pay special attention to the analytical part of your essay. Ensure critical thinking and provide a sound analysis of your paper. Remember the purpose of the writing. You have to answer the questions that you posed at the beginning of the dissertation paper.
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